Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby Lila

First of all I love this family. I love the love that you feel in their home. Lori is an amazing mother. She has such grace, gentleness, and peaceful way of mothering her dear children. I love her boys. Charming is the word that comes to mind. I couldn't be happier for this delicate and beautiful angle to bless their home. Thank you Lori for the privilege of taking your angel baby's pictures. She is precious.

Please visit Lori's blog:

lila07 bwlila08lila33lila30lila32lila24lila29lila26lila27lila28lila23lila22lila21lila18lila10 bwlila09 bwlila17 bwlila14 bw

1 comment:

Ashlie n Jonathan said...

Oh my goodness! These are GORGEOUS! Perfection!! It was so fun to run into you at the RS conference. I'm finally getting to check your pics! :) Happy Conference. You are insanely talented!!!!